The reason why Android phone screens are bigger than iPhone

“Whilst Android devices from most manufacturers follow the rationale that bigger is better in terms of form factor and screen size, Apple has defiantly stuck with the 3.5 inch display for nearly five years,” Ben Reid reports for Redmond Pie. “But why?”
“Daring Fireball’s John Gruber seems to reckon Android’s willful leap into the futuristic vortex of LTE could be a key factor in the overt differences between Apple and the Androids,” Reid reports. “The fruit company’s cautious instincts have meant no early adoption of fourth-generation connectivity, whilst the likes of HTC and Samsung continue to bulk up their devices to entice consumers favoring the significantly faster technology of tomorrow.”

Reid reports, “As it happens, we’re inclined to agree with Gruber. He goes on to suggest that once LTE hardware can be squeezed into an iPhone-sized shell (possibly within the next year or so), the trend of larger devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will be a thing of the past – another point which makes rational sense.”

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